
Go to the documentation of this file.
00009 /*
00010 * AUTHOR    : David Brooks (dtb26@cornell.edu)
00011 * PLATFORM  : non-specific
00012 * DATE      : 4/4/2012 9:18:44 AM
00014 *
00015 * File      : $Source:$
00016 * Revision  : $Revision:$
00017 * Author    : $Author:$
00018 * Date      : $Date:$
00019 * Tag name  : $Name:$
00020 * Locker    : $Locker:$
00021 * State     : $State: Exp $
00022 */
00024 // MSVC++ 6.0  _MSC_VER = 1200
00025 #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
00026         #pragma once
00027         #pragma warning( disable : 4290 ) 
00028         #pragma warning( disable : 4996 ) 
00029 #endif
00033 #include "excepts.h"
00034 #include <math.h>
00035 #include <string.h>
00036 #include <sstream>
00037 #include <queue>
00039 extern "C" {
00040         #ifdef INTMAX_C
00041         #undef INTMAX_C
00042         #undef UINTMAX_C
00043         #endif
00044         #include "messaging.h"
00045 }
00047 #ifdef NULLPTR
00048 #undef NULLPTR
00049 #endif
00050 #define NULLPTR 0 
00052 typedef char               int8_;       
00053 typedef unsigned char  uint8_;  
00054 typedef short              int16_;      
00055 typedef unsigned short uint16_; 
00056 typedef int                        int32_;  
00057 typedef unsigned int   uint32_; 
00058 typedef int                        int64_;  
00059 typedef unsigned int   uint64_; 
00069 namespace cornelluniversity {
00076 namespace vetserial {
00078 static const uint8_ NUL = 0x00; 
00079 static const uint8_ SOH = 0x01; 
00080 static const uint8_ STX = 0x02; 
00081 static const uint8_ ETX = 0x03; 
00082 static const uint8_ EOT = 0x04; 
00083 static const uint8_ ENQ = 0x05; 
00084 static const uint8_ ACK = 0x06; 
00085 static const uint8_ NAK = 0x07; 
00086 static const uint8_ SYN = 0x0f; 
00088 static const unsigned int MP3_TRACK_MAX = 0xFF; 
00094 typedef enum STATUS_TYPE {
00095         STATUS_ERROR = 0x10,    
00096         STATUS_READY = 0x20,    
00097         STATUS_BUSY  = 0x40             
00098 } status_t;
00104 typedef enum COMMAND_ID {
00105         CMD_CNTRL    = 0x00, 
00106         CMD_REQSTAT  = 0x01, 
00107         CMD_RSPSTAT  = 0x02, 
00108         CMD_PLAY_MP3 = 0x03, 
00109         CMD_STOP_MP3 = 0x04, 
00110         CMD_MSG_PRXY = 0x05, 
00111         CMD_CPR_CMPR = 0x06, 
00112         CMD_MAXCMD   = 0xFF  
00113 } cmnd_id;
00119 typedef enum ERROR_CODE {
00120         E_NOERROR  = 0x00, 
00121         E_DATAOOB  = 0x01, 
00122         E_NULLPTR  = 0x02, 
00123         E_CHKSUM   = 0x03, 
00124         E_NONPROTO = 0xFE, 
00125         E_UNKNOWN  = 0xFF  
00126 } err_code;
00132 typedef enum FLAG_TYPE {
00133         FLAG_REQ    = 0x01,     
00134         FLAG_ACK    = 0x02,     
00135         FLAG_NAK    = 0x04,     
00136         FLAG_DATA   = 0x08,     
00137         FLAG_ERR    = 0x10,     
00138         FLAG_RDY    = 0x20,     
00139         FLAG_BUSY   = 0x40,     
00140         FLAG_RESRVD = 0x80      
00141 } flag_t;
00152 class base_command {
00153         public:
00154                 static const unsigned int PKT_HEADER_SZ;        
00155                 static const unsigned int PKT_TAIL_SZ;          
00156                 static const unsigned int PKT_MAX_SZ;           
00164                 base_command( const cmnd_id cid );
00175                 base_command( const uint8_ * in_pkt, uint32_ nbytes );
00179                 virtual ~base_command( void );
00184                 inline const uint8_ * packet( void ) const { return( buffer_ ); }
00189         inline const int packet_size( void ) const { return( buffersz_ ); }
00190                 inline void command_id( const cmnd_id cid ) { this->id_ = cid; }
00191                 inline const cmnd_id command_id( void ) const { return(this->id_); }
00197                 inline const uint8_ flags( void ) const { return(flags_); }
00202                 inline void set_flag( const uint8_ f ){ flags_ |= f; }
00208                 inline void clr_flag( const flag_t f ){ flags_ -= f; }
00215                 inline bool flag_enabled( const flag_t f ) const { return( (flags_ & f) > 0 ? true : false ); }
00221                 inline void error_code( const err_code id ){ this->err_ = id; }
00227                 inline const err_code error_code( void ) const { return(this->err_); }
00234                 inline void data_id( const uint8_ id ){ data_id_ = id; }
00240                 inline const unsigned char data_id( void ) const { return(data_id_); }
00246                 inline void payload_size( const uint16_ sz ){ this->payloadsz_ = sz; }
00252                 inline const uint16_ payload_size( void ) const { return( this->payloadsz_ ); }
00266                 bool verify_crc16( const uint8_ * full_packet, const uint32_ nbytes );
00273                 inline const bool failed_tail_crc( void ) const { return( tail_crc_err_ ); }
00280         virtual void serialize( void ) = 0;
00287                 virtual void deserialize( void ) = 0;
00289         protected:
00290                 uint8_ * buffer_;        
00291                 uint8_ * packet_;        
00292                 uint32_  buffersz_;  
00293                 uint32_  pktsz_;     
00302                 uint16_ crc16( const uint8_ * indata, const uint32_ nbytes );
00312                 void header( void );
00328                 void tail( const uint8_ * payload, const uint32_ payload_sz = 0 );
00330         private:
00331                 base_command( void ){;}
00332                 base_command( const base_command & cpyref ){;}
00334                 bool     tail_crc_err_; 
00335                 bool     head_crc_err_; 
00336                 uint8_   flags_;                
00337                 uint8_   data_id_;              
00338                 uint16_  payloadsz_;    
00339                 cmnd_id  id_;                   
00340                 err_code err_;                  
00341 };//eoc base_command
00350 class control_request : public base_command {
00351         public:
00352         control_request( void ) : base_command(CMD_CNTRL){;}
00353         control_request( const uint8_ * in_pkt, uint32_ nbytes ) : base_command(in_pkt, nbytes){;}
00354         virtual ~control_request( void ){;}
00357         inline void ack_request( void ){ this->set_flag(FLAG_REQ|FLAG_ACK); }
00360         inline void ack_response( void ){ this->set_flag(FLAG_ACK); }
00363         inline void nak_request( void ){ this->set_flag(FLAG_REQ|FLAG_NAK); }
00366         inline void nak_response( void ){ this->set_flag(FLAG_NAK); }
00369         inline void set_responsive( void ){ this->set_flag(FLAG_REQ|FLAG_ACK|FLAG_NAK); }
00376         virtual void serialize( void ){ this->header(); }
00384         virtual void deserialize( void );
00386 };//eoc control_request
00394 class status_request : public base_command {
00395         public:
00396         status_request( void ) : base_command(CMD_REQSTAT){;}
00397         status_request( const uint8_ * in_pkt, uint32_ nbytes ) : base_command(in_pkt, nbytes){;}
00398         virtual ~status_request( void){;}
00406         virtual void serialize( void );
00414         virtual void deserialize( void );
00415 };//eoc status_request
00425 class status_response : public base_command {
00426         public:
00434         status_response( void ) : base_command(CMD_RSPSTAT), status_(STATUS_READY){;}
00444         status_response( const status_t s );
00455         status_response( const uint8_ * in_packet, uint32_ in_packet_sz ) : base_command(in_packet, in_packet_sz){;}
00456         virtual ~status_response( void){;}
00462         inline const status_t status( void ) const { return(this->status_); }
00468         void status( const status_t t ) { this->status_ = t; this->set_flag(this->status_); }
00476         virtual void serialize( void );
00484         virtual void deserialize( void );
00486         private:
00487         status_t status_;       
00488 };//eoc status_request
00496 class mp3_play_request : public base_command {
00497         public:
00506         mp3_play_request( void ) : base_command(CMD_PLAY_MP3), device_(0), track_(0), duration_(0) {;}
00514         mp3_play_request( const uint8_ dev, const uint8_ trk, const uint16_ dur = 0) : base_command(CMD_PLAY_MP3), device_(dev), track_(trk), duration_(dur) {;}
00521         mp3_play_request( const uint8_ * in_pkt, uint32_ nbytes ) : base_command(in_pkt, nbytes), device_(0), track_(0), duration_(0) {;}
00523         virtual ~mp3_play_request( void){;}
00528         inline const uint8_ track( void ) const { return(this->track_); }
00534         inline void track( const uint8_ track_number ) { this->track_ = track_number; }
00539         inline const uint8_ device( void ) const { return(this->device_); }
00545         inline void device( const uint8_ device_number ) { this->device_ = device_number; }
00551         inline const uint16_ duration( void ) const { return(this->duration_); }
00558         inline void duration( const uint16_ duration ) { this->duration_ = duration; }
00566         virtual void serialize( void );
00574         virtual void deserialize( void );
00576         private:
00577         uint8_  device_;        
00578         uint8_  track_;         
00579         uint16_ duration_;      
00580 };//eoc mp3_play_request
00589 class mp3_stop_request : public base_command {
00590         public:
00596         mp3_stop_request( void ) : base_command(CMD_STOP_MP3), device_(0), track_(0){;}
00605         mp3_stop_request( const uint8_ dev, const uint8_ trk ) : base_command(CMD_STOP_MP3), device_(dev), track_(trk){;}
00612         mp3_stop_request( const uint8_ * in_pkt, uint32_ nbytes ) : base_command(in_pkt, nbytes), device_(0), track_(0){;}
00614         virtual ~mp3_stop_request( void){;}
00619         inline const uint8_ track( void ) const { return(this->track_); }
00625         inline void track( const uint8_ track_number ) { this->track_ = track_number; }
00630         inline const uint8_ device( void ) const { return(this->device_); }
00636         inline void device( const uint8_ device_number ) { this->device_ = device_number; }
00644         virtual void serialize( void );
00652         virtual void deserialize( void );
00654         private:
00655         uint8_  device_; 
00656         uint8_  track_;  
00657 };//eoc mp3_stop_request
00666 class pubsub_message : public base_command {
00668         public:
00675         pubsub_message( void ) : base_command(CMD_MSG_PRXY), msg_(NULLPTR), msg_byte_count_(0){;}
00684         pubsub_message( Message * m );
00690         pubsub_message( const uint8_ * in_pkt, uint32_ nbytes ) : base_command( in_pkt, nbytes ), msg_(NULLPTR), msg_byte_count_(0){;}
00694         virtual ~pubsub_message( void);
00701         void set_message( Message * m );
00710         Message * get_message( void );
00711         inline const uint16_ message_length( void ) const { return(msg_byte_count_); }
00720         virtual void serialize( void );
00729         virtual void deserialize( void );
00731         private:
00739         uint16_  byte_size( const Message_content_type mct );
00746         uint16_  msg_size( void );
00755         void msgcpy( const Message * orig, Message * copy );
00756         inline void msgcpy( const Message * orig ){ this->msgcpy( orig, this->msg_ ); }
00762         void msgdestroy( Message * m );
00763         inline void msgdestroy( void ){ this->msgdestroy( this->msg_ ); }
00765         Message * msg_;                         
00766         uint16_   msg_byte_count_;      
00768 };//eoc pubsub_message
00775 class cpr_compression_state : public base_command {
00777         public:
00785         cpr_compression_state( void );
00794         cpr_compression_state( const uint16_ pos );
00803         cpr_compression_state( const uint16_ * cpy, const int arraysz );
00809         cpr_compression_state( const uint8_ * in_pkt, uint32_ nbytes );
00814         virtual ~cpr_compression_state( void ) { if(positions_) delete positions_; positions_ = NULLPTR; }
00820         void position( const uint16_ pos );
00821         inline void position( const int pos ) { this->position( static_cast<uint16_>(pos) ); }
00828         void position( const uint16_ * cpy, const int arraysz );
00838         const uint16_ position( const bool pop_position = false );
00843         inline const std::queue<uint16_>* all_positions( void ) const { return(positions_); }
00848         inline const size_t position_count( void ) const { return(positions_->size()); }
00858         virtual void serialize( void );
00867         void deserialize( void );
00869         private:
00870         std::queue<uint16_> *positions_;
00872 };//eoc pubsub_message
00874 }//eon vetserial
00875 }//eon cornelluniversity
00877 #endif /*VET_SERIAL_CMD_H_INCLUDED*/
00879 /*
00881 ===========
00882 $Log:$
00884 */

Generated on Sat Nov 10 10:03:36 2012 for Vet Serial Interfaces (w/ proof-of-concept application) by  doxygen 1.4.7