
Go to the documentation of this file.
00007 /*
00008 * AUTHOR    : David Brooks (dtb26@cornell.edu)
00009 * PLATFORM  : non-specific
00010 * DATE      : 4/24/2012 11:00:02 AM
00012 *
00013 * File      : $Source:$
00014 * Revision  : $Revision:$
00015 * Author    : $Author:$
00016 * Date      : $Date:$
00017 * Tag name  : $Name:$
00018 * Locker    : $Locker:$
00019 * State     : $State: Exp $
00020 */
00021 #ifndef VETSIM_PCKEXPLR_H
00022 #define VETSIM_PCKEXPLR_H
00024 #ifdef _WIN32
00025 #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE        // it appears that something in listctrl.h is linking against string.h
00026 #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS         // and making use of old-school strcpy() and other insecure routines
00027 #endif                                                          // I cant do anything about it; these defines just remove the warning spam
00029 #include <vector>
00030 #include <map>
00031 #include <wx/listctrl.h>
00032 #include "vetprot.h"
00041 namespace cornelluniversity {
00043 static const wxString UNDEF_RESULT = wxT("undefined");                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
00044 static const wxString PROTOCOL_CTRL_CHAR[] = { wxT("NUL"), wxT("SOH"), wxT("STX"), wxT("ETX"), wxT("EOT"), wxT("ENQ"), wxT("ACK"), wxT("NAK"), wxT("N/A"), wxT("N/A"), wxT("N/A"), wxT("N/A"), wxT("N/A"), wxT("N/A"), wxT("N/A"), wxT("SYN") };        
00045 static const wxString PROTOCOL_CMNDS[] = { wxT("CMD_CNTRL"), wxT("CMD_REQSTAT"), wxT("CMD_RSPSTAT"), wxT("CMD_PLAY_MP3"), wxT("CMD_STOP_MP3") };                                                                                                
00056 class PacketExplorer : public wxListCtrl {
00057         public:
00062                 struct PERow {
00063                         bool error;             
00064                         int index;              
00065                         wxString byte;  
00066                         wxString value; 
00067                         wxString data;  
00068                 };
00080                 PacketExplorer( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxLC_ICON, const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator, const wxString& name = wxListCtrlNameStr) :
00081                 wxListCtrl( parent, id, pos, size, style, validator, name ), byte_col_wd_(0), val_col_wd_(0), data_col_wd_(0), rows_(new std::vector<PERow>()){;}
00087                 virtual ~PacketExplorer( void );
00095                 inline void PESetColumnWidths( int c1, int c2, int c3 ) { byte_col_wd_ = c1; val_col_wd_ = c2; data_col_wd_ = c3; }
00104                 void PEDisplayHeader( int colwidth_1, int colwidth_2, int colwidth_3 );
00111                 void PEDisplayHeader( void );
00117                 inline void PEDisplayPacket( cornelluniversity::vetserial::base_command * bc ) { this->PEDisplayPacket( bc->packet(), bc->packet_size() ); }
00127                 void PEDisplayPacket( const unsigned char * pkt, unsigned int nbytes );
00129         private:
00135                 PacketExplorer( void ){;}
00141                 PacketExplorer( const PacketExplorer & copyref ){;}
00147                 inline void PEInsertRow( const PERow & r  ){ this->PEInsertRow(r.byte, r.value, r.data, r.error); }
00157                 void PEInsertRow( const wxString & byte_col, const wxString & value_col, const wxString & data_col, bool inerror = false );
00164                 void PEPublishRows( void );
00172                 const wxString & CtrlCharString( const unsigned char index );
00180                 const wxString & ProtoCmdString( const unsigned char index );
00188                 const wxString & ProtoErrString( const unsigned char index );
00196                 const wxString ProtoFlagString( const unsigned char index ); 
00198                 int byte_col_wd_;                       // the display widith for the first column "byte number"
00199                 int val_col_wd_;                        // the display width for the second column "value"
00200                 int data_col_wd_;                       // the display width of the third column "other/data"
00201                 std::vector<PERow> *rows_;      // wxListCtrl rows per-defined to meet vetSim packet needs
00202 };
00203 }//eon cornelluniversity
00205 #endif /*VETSIM_PCKEXPLR_H*/

Generated on Sat Nov 10 10:03:36 2012 for Vet Serial Interfaces (w/ proof-of-concept application) by  doxygen 1.4.7